1. The research papers presented must meet any of the conference themes.

2. The papers presented must be in English to be published in Springer (Scopus), not in journals indexed in Scopus. Those presented in Arabic will be published in the Journal of the College of Communication and Media Technologies.

3. Articles will be between 4500 and 7500 words.

4. Published manuscripts or those presented elsewhere will not be accepted.

5. English manuscripts should be submitted as Word files, in New Times Roman font (size 12) and single-spaced, while Arabic ones should be submitted as Word files and in Simplified Arabic font (size 13).

6. Authors must ensure that their submissions are written in good language (grammar, spelling, etc.) and that two abstracts (one in English and one in Arabic) are included. 

7. Authors must ensure that tables and images are captioned and consecutively numbered, and when referred to within the text, those numbers should be used.

8. All references should be written in Simplified Arabic font (size 11), and numbers used to refer to in-text citations should be in superscript.

9. If the paper is not submitted in the template provided, it will be rejected.